Pruning for Homeowners: Pruning Young Trees for Good Structure

Pruning for Homeowners: Pruning Young Trees for Good Structure

Pruning for Homeowners: Pruning Young Trees for Good Structure


Join us to learn some pruning tips for young trees to promote good structure which can prevent problems down the road.

Main Office - Kenton County Cooperative Extension 10990 Marshall Rd Covington, KY 41015
Mary Ann Schultz 859-356-3155

Last Revised: Dec 22nd, 2023

Date and Time

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Event Description

Have you planted a tree recently or plan to plant one in the future? Join us to learn some pruning tips for young trees to promote good structure which can prevent problems down the road. We will present a short class then go outside for a demonstration, so dress for the weather. Rain date: 2/28/24

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pruning flyer draft (2).pdf 3.36 MB
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