Planning Your Legacy: A Family Estate Guide

Planning Your Legacy: A Family Estate Guide

Planning Your Legacy: A Family Estate Guide


2 part session to help you with estate planning. Session one is on 3/7 and session two will be on 3/21.

Main Office - Kenton County Cooperative Extension 10990 Marshall Rd Covington, KY 41015
Dan Allen 859-356-3155

Last Revised: Jan 12th, 2024

Date and Time

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Event Description

A thought out estate plan allows you to meet your financial goals while building a legacy knowing that you are doing the best for you and your family.
The first session of this class (on 3/7) will help you as you prepare to meet with your attorney before you put your estate plan in writing.
The second session (on 3/21) will be conducted by an attorney who will address the legal perspective of a well thought out estate plan.